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The difference between a URL and a domain name is frequently misunderstood. Are you one of them? If yes, this blog is meant for you. Are these two the same or is there any difference between them?

With the emerging use of technology and everything moving at a fast pace, people are looking for ways to spend their time in places that can offer them more information in less time.

Having a side hustle is going to be necessary for the future. Due to the increase in inflation, it would be a smart step to have a side hustle of our own.

We have been discussing a lot about domain names through our blogs. So we decided, it is ok to have fun every once in a while. Our team decided to compile some interesting fun facts about domain names that will blow your mind.

We live in an era where minute things are done online. Presently, demand for web services has increased rapidly. Almost every businessman, entrepreneur, tradesman wants to take their business online.

Donuts Inc, a registry having world's largest TLD portfolio, has announced a price hike in few of its TLDs effective from 1 October 2021. Following TLDs will have impact due to this price hike.

RESELLING! It is an innovative business trend that you should start thinking about. The reselling business is a great option for all the first-time entrepreneurs and also for the experienced businesses looking to expand their horizons.

Since COVID-19 began, almost the entire population wondered about the thought of making money online. There are multiple ways of earning money online, one of which is offering web services.

Is your business ready to go online? We all have seen how this pandemic has affected the way of business all around the world. In restricted movement around the world, more and more consumers moved to online shopping.

Food is the most celebrated part of our lives. A very long time ago, (perhaps, in the stone age itself!) food has surpassed its status of being a basic necessity for living.