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Be updated with .TODAY happenings around!

Showcase breaking news, stories and information happening around the globe with this unique, .TODAY domain! Daily bloggers can also have a .TODAY domain and separate themselves from the crowd by sharing their current events, schedules, pictures, and relevant up-to-date information.
A .TODAY domain name extension in your URL, sends a clear signal that it’s providing the latest information. Whether that’s current events, news, weather or entertainment, it’s perfect for anyone who works in industries that require constant, updated reporting on trends and topics.
Register .TODAY now!

Type - gTLD
Registry - Identity Digital

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Be updated with .TODAY happenings around!
Showcase breaking news, stories and information happening around the globe with this unique, .TODAY domain! Daily bloggers can also have a .TODAY domain and separate themselves from the crowd by sharing their current events, schedules, pictures, and relevant up-to-date information.
A .TODAY domain name extension in your URL, sends a clear signal that it’s providing the latest information. Whether that’s current events, news, weather or entertainment, it’s perfect for anyone who works in industries that require constant, updated reporting on trends and topics.
Register .TODAY now!
Let’s get started with .TODAY
.TODAY is a domain that every news provider should have! But, here is something more to it…

Let’s get started with .TODAY

.TODAY is a domain that every news provider should have! But, here is something more to it…
Inception 2014
Registry Identity Digital
Type gTLD
Perfect for
  • News Websites
  • Fan Websites
  • Bloggers
Renewal Grace Period 40 Days
Restore Period 30 Days
Privacy Allowed Yes
IDN Supported
IPv6 Supported
Language SupportArabic, Chinese Cyrillic, Devanagari, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Spanish Tamil, Thai
Read MoreICANNWiki
Registration$21.69 $3.49
Validity30 December, 2024
RegistryIdentity Digital
Perfect for
  • News Websites
  • Fan Websites
  • Bloggers
Renewal Grace Period40 Days
Restore Period30 Days
Privacy AllowedYes
IDN Supported
Language SupportArabic, Chinese Cyrillic, Devanagari, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Spanish Tamil, Thai
IPv6 Supported
DNSSEC Supported
Read MoreICANNWiki
Registration$21.69 $3.29
Validity30 December, 2024