Food is the most celebrated part of our lives. A very long time ago, (perhaps, in the stone age itself!) food has surpassed its status of being a basic necessity for living.
Food is a lifestyle!
Food is a saviour!
Food is a consoler!
Food is a companion!
Food is life!
Don’t agree? Just look at a picture of cheesy Pizza or sizzling brownie with Ice Cream and try agreeing again!
So, for something that is so much a part of our being there should be a dedicated space on the internet!
Let’s see which Top-Level Domains are best for a food & hospitality website!
1) .COM
This is an all-time classic. The most generic and most common of all TLDs is .COM. Many businesses are venturing into food businesses.
For example, restaurants, bakeries, catering services, cooking classes, food deliveries, etc.
.COM is the domain that fits everyone.
2) .CAFE
Capacitor places where people like to hang out and have a cup of coffee. cafes are the place where entrepreneurs have started working on their ideas. Cafes have seen many love stories coming true. Cafe Sahab also witnessed some great moments of friendship.
Cafe domain is perfect for every Cafe in the world. whether it is a mini restaurant or a coffee shop, .CAFE provides a good deal.
“But even a bad cup of coffee is better than no coffee at all.” – David Lynch. Coffee is one of the most beloved drinks in the whole world. guidelines of gender age and occupation, everybody loves a good cup of coffee. whether you are sad or you are happy, coffee fits every situation.
For a drink to be such a great part of our life, there has to be a daddy speech on the internet. .COFFEE domain name does this perfectly. every copy shop coffee manufacturing company, coffee farms, anyone associated with coffee can use .COFFEE domain extension for their website.
With the advancement of mobile applications, food delivery apps perform amazingly well. Just in a couple of minutes place an order for your favourite food to be delivered at your workplace or at home. who wouldn’t like this?
.DELIVERY domain extension suits every food delivery business perfectly. If you are thinking of starting a special delivery section for your restaurant, .DELIVERY is the domain name to go!
Many people search online to find new dining destinations, and with the .RESTAURANT domain name, here is a new option for creating an online address for your restaurant. Almost everyone loves to eat out, so a .RESTAURANT helps eateries in attracting hungry customers. It’s a quick and easy way to both connect with patrons and bring in new customers.
If you’re interested in the food industry or the restaurant business, there’s no better place to show off all of your mouth watering food and recipes than a .RESTAURANT domain.
Every great chef in the world has his or her own kitchen, this is where they experiment and create new delicacies which satiate our appetite. If you are a chef and you love to be in the kitchen, this is the right time to go online and share your talent with the world. Let them know you have amazing knowledge about how to awaken the taste buds.
.KITCHEN domain extension will help you to create the perfect online space for yourself and your lip-smacking recipes.
“Anyone who says that money cannot buy happiness has clearly never spent their money on pizza.” – Andrew W.K.
Everybody loves a good pizza. How can someone look at the picture of Pizza and not be willing to have it? If you are a pizza shop owner with a specialty in pizzas, then you should take them online and share with the world.
With .PIZZA Domain extension people can immediately gage your expertise in pizza making. If you are a pizza shop owner, you can start your own website for local pizza delivery service with .PIZZA.
Whether it is our grandma’s or a chef’s, everybody loves experimenting on New recipes. with the availability of food channels like IGTV, Youtube and Facebook, your food recipes are available at our fingertips. you scroll through your news feed on Facebook and you get to watch venture tasty looking recipes for some good food.
If you are someone who loves experimenting in the kitchen, then you should go online and make your own viewer base. .RECIPES domain instantly reflects what your website is about. show a person scrolling through Google search results searching for some good recipes will know where to go. He will understand that .RECIPES domain website will find the best.
If you want to start your food venture, there is no time better than now. Just get your business online, start your social media channels and keep posting the videos of you experimenting with food. Our team will be more than happy to help you get ahead with the process and technicalities.
Get started!